Article Index




Inclement Weather

This policy establishes guidelines for Company operations during periods of extreme weather and similar emergencies. The Company will remain open in all but the most extreme circumstances. Unless an emergency closing is announced, all employees are expected to report to work. However, the Company does not advise employees to take unwarranted risks when traveling to work in the event of inclement weather or other emergencies. Each employee should exercise their best judgment with regard to road conditions and other safety concerns.


Designation of Emergency Closing

Only by the authorization of designated managers will the Company cease operations due to emergency circumstances. If severe weather conditions develop during working hours, it is at the discretion of Management to release employees. Employees will be expected to remain at work until the appointed closing time. 


Procedures during Closings

If weather or traveling conditions delay or prevent an employee’s reporting to work, the immediate supervisor should be notified as soon as possible. If possible, such notification should be made by a telephone conversation directly with the supervisor. If direct contact is not possible, leaving a detailed voicemail message or message with another employee is acceptable. 


An employee who is unable to report to work may use any accrued personal time, or take the day off without pay.


Pay and Leave Practices

When a partial or full-day closing is authorized by Management, the following pay and paid leave practices apply:


  • Hourly employees will be sent home for partial days with the option of using paid time off for the remainder of the day. If paid time off is not available, employees will be excused from work without pay and without disciplinary action. 
  • Exempt and non-exempt employees already scheduled to be off during emergency closings are charged such leave as was scheduled. 


Other Work Options

Supervisors may approve requests for employees to temporarily work from home, if doing so allows completion of work assignments. 


Driving Safety

The safety and well-being of our employees is of critical importance to the organization. We therefore each have a responsibility to not only protect ourselves when on the road but also should do our part to protect those around us. Employees that are required to drive on company business will be expected to consistently apply follow all the safety procedures below.


  1. All employees are expected to wear seat belts at all time while in a moving vehicle being used for company business, whether they are the driver or a passenger.
  2. Use of handheld cell phones, whether personal or business-owned, while behind the wheel of a moving vehicle is strictly prohibited. This includes the use for making or receiving phone calls, sending or receiving text messages or e-mails, and downloading information from the web. If you need to engage in any of these activities while driving, you must pull over to safe location and stop your vehicle prior to using your cell phone.
  3. Employees are required to turn off cell phones or put them on vibrate before starting their car. Employees may consider changing their voice mail message to indicate that they are unavailable to talk, as they are driving. Employees are permitted and encouraged to communicate to clients, associates, and business partners of the policy as an explanation as to why calls may not be returned immediately.
  4. Although use of cell phones under any circumstances is strongly discouraged while driving, the use of hands-free technology may be warranted in emergency circumstances only.
  5. The use of other handheld electronic devices, such as iPads, iPods, laptops, electronic readers, and the like are strictly prohibited while driving a vehicle on company business.
  6. Engaging in other distracting activities including, but not limited to, eating, putting on makeup, reading or changing radio stations or music, is also strongly discouraged while driving, even when in slow-moving traffic.
  7. Use of alcohol, drugs or other substances, including certain over-the-counter cold or allergy medications that in any way impair driving ability, is prohibited.
  8. All employees are expected to follow all driving laws and safety rules such as adherence to posted speed limits and directional signs, use of turn signals and avoidance of confrontational or offensive behavior while driving.
  9. Employees should never allow anyone to ride in any part of the vehicle not specifically intended for passenger use and/or any seat that does not include a working seat belt.
  10. Employees must promptly report any accidents to local law enforcement as well as to the company in accordance with established procedures.
  11. Employees are also required to report any moving or parking violations received while driving on company business and/or in company vehicles.


Failure to adhere to these procedures may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.


Automobile Accident

If an employee is involved in an automobile accident while on Company business (personal or Company car) they must report the accident to their supervisor or manager immediately. Employees should request and obtain a police report and police investigation at the scene of the accident.


Employees are not to drive a personal vehicle for Company business unless authorized to do so. If the job requires an employee to operate their personal vehicle, then the employee shall be required to submit proof of a current and valid state driver’s license. If employees use their own vehicle, either by authorization or requirement, to carry out the business of the Company, they must submit a photocopy of the cover page of their insurance policy covering that vehicle as proof of that insurance.


Insurance must be maintained current as a term and condition of continuing employment for that particular position.



The Company provides employees with parking at no cost. All parking is at an employee’s own risk. It is recommended that employees and visitors lock their vehicle and take other appropriate safeguards. Employees are not to park in areas reserved for visitors.